Feeling sad or blue for a brief period of time is something everyone experiences. Worry about finances, job stress, illness, school or exams are situations which activate our fear and are a common reaction when we are faced with stressful situations. These are the common reactions to life which usually pass with good self-care and talking about your feelings with supportive friends or family members.
Feeling sad or blue for a brief period of time is something everyone experiences. Worry about finances, job stress, illness, school or exams are situations which activate our fear and are a common reaction when we are faced with stressful situations. These are the common reactions to life which usually pass with good self-care and talking about your feelings with supportive friends or family members.
If you do not feel comfortable talking about troubling issues with your usual support systems and find these feelings of depression and anxiety are not resolving, working with a mental health professional may be a good choice for you. The general guidelines state that if you have five or more of the following symptoms, lasting for at least two weeks, it is time to seek help:
Symptoms of Depression:
- No longer able to find interest in or enjoy activities
- Feeling hopeless, worthless, excessive or inappropriate guilt
- Fatigue
- Not sleeping or sleeping more than usual
- Feeling sad, empty, unloved
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- Eating more or less than usual
- Feeling restless or irritable
- Recurrent thoughts of death, especially suicide (seek immediate help if you are
having suicidal thoughts)
Symptoms of Anxiety
- Restless or on edge
- Difficulty concentrating
- Constant worry or fear something bad will happen
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Sleep disturbance
- Increased muscle tension
- Decreased level of functioning due to these symptoms
There are many types of Depression and Anxiety Disorders of which the symptoms vary in intensity and duration. Effective treatment is available for all types of Depression and Anxiety. In some cases a medication may prove helpful and can be prescribed by a doctor or a psychiatrist. A skilled counselor can help you overcome your depression and anxiety by first determining if there are any underlying issues that must be addressed, such as unresolved grief. Through talking about your condition and related issues you will learn about the causes of depression so you can better understand it. You will also learn how to identify unhealthy behavior and thoughts and how to make the changes necessary to find better ways to cope and problem solve. As you begin to regain a sense of control in your life the symptoms will begin to ease allowing for happiness and hope to return.
To read more about Depression and Anxiety click on these links:
To read more about Depression and Anxiety click on these links:
License #MFC21007
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 484-7242
License #MFC21007
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 484-7242